by Shelt Garner
I have “all the time in the world” as the old Twilight Zone episode says when it comes to reading and, at the moment, I still want to write rather than read. I say this in the context of vowing not to start writing on the first novel again — the third draft — until Sept 1st.

So, what I really need to do is just read, read, read.
But I don’t wanna. I wanna keep daydreaming or writing. So, for the moment, I’m at something of an internal impasse. But I hope to force the issue starting today. I’m going to force, force, FUCKING FORCE myself to start reading something, anything this afternoon and evening.
I’m very grateful for the very unique situation going on in my life at the moment and I know that at any moment it could change and I will be upset with myself for not reading more or, just in general, being as creative as I possibly could be.
Anyway. I think I’m going to allow myself a little bit of a pass the next few hours then once I get some shit out of my system, I’m going to sit down and read a book.
Wish me luck.