by Shelt Garner
Jesus Christ am I tired of all this mealy mouthed, half-assed things that are going on in American politics at the moment. Smug wealthy liberals with all their fucking suck-your-own-cock podcasts already have one foot out the door with a second passport they got through their refugee grandparents.

I would rather, in a way, we just give up and allow the fucking fascist MAGA Nazis take over than do this weird political kabuki dance whereby the absolutists on both sides get more and more angry. I hate violence, that I almost — almost — would rather we just slip peacefully into MAGA Nazi autocracy in 2024 and get it over with.
And, yet, there is also a part of me that wants to stand my political ground on a greater political sense. If MAGA Nazis want civil war, how about we have a Blue Revolution instead? And if the Second American Revolution happened in just the right way, it wouldn’t even be that violent.
You would have to knock SOME heads, obviously, but if your revolution aims were low-key enough that MIGHT be kept to a minimum. Hopefully. But I’m not advocating anything, I’m just frustrated and annoyed about how half-assed our politics are at the moment.
We have fucking MAGA Nazi fascists running roughshod over our democracy and we’re just shrugging. Donald Fucking Trump continues to be 60,000 votes in 5 swing states away from being POTUS again. And if he becomes president, that’s it, the end of American democracy as we’ve known it.
So 2024 is it — put up or fucking shut up.