by Shelt Garner
I’m at a loss to describe the political goals of the “Entity” that is the bad guy in the latest Mission:Impossible movie. And I think that’s the point. The point is for the movie to be so convoluted and conflated in its political good and evil that both sides think the other side is the bad guy.

They talk about “patriots” in what is essentially the deep state of the government. So…are they talking about the Entity wanting to purge MAGA people from the government or are they talking about the Entity purging the “deep state” from the government?
It’s all very unclear.
It really could mean either one. Which, like I said, is the point.
They want everything to be so convoluted that neither side has any reason to hate the aims of the movie one way or another. It’s very noticable if you’ve paid any attention to politics in the last, I don’t know, decade.
Anyway. It’s a good movie.