by Shelt Garner
The older I get the more mental energy it takes to refrain from telling people to fuck off on Twitter when they give dumb hot takes. So, I posted a video about how movie “influencers” shouldn’t be scabs. And some dumbass said, “Derp, I only make $19, I’d be an acting scab in a heartbeat.”

UGH. So stupid.
I didn’t respond because it wasn’t worth it.
But just imagine you were able to leave your $19 an hour job to be a high paid scab actor. First of all, you would have to take acting classes. And if you didn’t you would, yes, maybe make a few $100,000 in “quick money” but you fucking idiot then what? Fucking cocksucker dumbass. Ugh. I’m so angry.
The next thing happens is the strike ends and not only does EVERYONE IN HOLLYWOOD HATE YOU, you never get another acting gig and you go down in history and the fucking dumbass to was a scab.
So, yeah, you fucking idiot, leave your $19 an hour day job to be a scab actor. I look forward to it.
Thinking about this has put me in a very bad mood.
But the whole reason why I even mentioned scabs in the first place wasn’t even acting scabs! It was “influencers” who suck on the teet of the movie studios on Tik-Tok who are in a gray area when it comes to movie promotion. They make some money but not THAT much money.
Anyway. Don’t be a scab.
I’m writing a novel, so lulz, I can keep writing. I do hope, however, that one day my novel will be adapted into a movie! Grin.