The Online Political State of Play For the Hollywood Strikes

by Shelt Garner

There seem to be three major lines of attack against the two Hollywood unions that are striking by Reply Guys on Twitter.

Your Stuff Sucks Anyway
This is the “anti-woke” argument against the strikes. In essence, the argument goes that Hollywood is a bunch of woke hacks who haven’t entertained MAGA audiences for years, anyway and fuck you, lib. In fact, I’ve seen at least one fucking cocksucker MAGA person say they look forward to the day that Trump can buy up all the bankrupt Hollywood studios.

You’re Overpaid
This argument is very corrosive because it pits the vast majority of actors and writers who aren’t making much money versus the high rollers. People who make this argument don’t understand that the unions set the MINIMUMS for the profession.

You Can’t Stop AI
The last argument is, lulz, AI is coming for Hollywood anyway, just give up. I don’t quite know what to say about this one because in a way it’s right and, yet, I do believe that the looming transformation of Hollywood by AI can be mitigated and / or managed in various ways if the unions know what to demand. But make no mistake — no matter what, Hollywood is about to be “Moneyballed” in a way that it hasn’t felt since the advent of the talkies.

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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