by Shelt Garner
The weather continues to be very strange not just where I live, but all over the world. The world’s climate continues to grow hotter and hotter…and yet because American conservatives have to “own the libs” we’re just going to cook. All of humanity will end because 38% of the Republican electorate simply can not, will not work in a bipartisan way to save the planet.

That’s kind of deep.
In fact, I would go so far as to say the ONLY WAY humanity survives long-term at this point is if we have a civil war / revolution in the United States, WW3 happens, about 1 billion people die and THEN after THE GOOD GUYS WIN, humanity is so crestfallen that we have some sort of collective effort on a global scale to save ourselves from ourselves.
If that doesn’t happen, we’re fucked. It’s the end.
I don’t want that to happen, I mean, Jesus Christ, what kind of monster would what THAT? But if we peacefully slip into autocracy into the United States, soon enough, places like Florida will sink into the ocean. Something has to happen to get us all on the same page.
And it definitely seems as though that’s just not going to happen unless 1) more white Christian babies are born so angry white conservatives have some reason to not to hate liberals so much or 2) we blow ourselves up on a global basis and as we rebuild we see ourselves as humans rather than anything else.
Forgive me, I’m in a fucking bad mood about all of this because reality is important to me and I fucking hate how white Christian conservatives would rather have all 8 billion of us die than work with the other side to help save humanity. UGH.
Anyway. Fuck it all to hell.