‘Active Setting’ For The Third Draft

by Shelt Garner

One of the complaints of those few people who have actually been willing to give me constructive criticism of this novel is too much of the story is “in my head” and not on the page. So, with that in mind, I’m going to really give that element of the story a lot of thought for the third draft.

It’s going to be a lot — A LOT — of hard work to do this. I have to rethink how I write this novel — and all the other novels I have in my mind — on a fundimental basis. I have to think about how I can explain the world of the universe in a way that people without my background can better understand the universe I want them to live in while they’re reading the novel.

Anyway. Nobody cares what I have to say. And, usually, when they do care what I have to say, they get angry at me for this or that reason.

It will be interesting to see how close I get, in the third draft, to what I need in regards to catching the interest of literary agents. As of July 4th, I’m going to force myself to start thinking about the querying process. I hate thinking about querying because it forces me to realize I can’t be delusional anymore.

I have to accept that it may not be the novel that gets published, it may be the next or the one after that that get published. Who knows.

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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