by Shelt Garner
There is a least *chance* that I might actually make my deadline with the beta reader process. But I’m going to have to stop getting drunk so much and actually buckle down and get some work done. I have a limited amount of time if I’m going to pull this off.
But, they say write drunk, edit sober, so lulz. But I do hope to get a lot of writing done tonight and tomorrow. Then — may — do one last read through of the novel before I start to print out physical copies for people I really want to be able to hand such copies to.
This novel is definitely novel-length so, lulz, I’m going to have to be careful about such things. I may even have to buy another huge thing of paper to be able to hand all these physical copies to people. One issue is, I don’t know if I’m going to wrap things up by June 30th or by July 7th. I HOPE to wrap up the Public Beta draft by June 30th….but….that is very debatable.
I don’t want to rush things TOO much. And I’ve said all a long that I considered July 4th my deadline and because of when July 4th falls — and a few other considerations –I won’t feel too bad if I start to distribute physical copies the weekend of July 7th.