Day 52: The Struggle Is Real

by Shelt Garner

I found myself randomly wanting to show the latest first chapter of the novel to people today and I was reminded of what a struggle the Beta Reader process is going to be. I’m a good talker, but I can’t get people to do jack shit for me. I’m just not a very persuasive person for some reason.


The point at the moment is to keep momentum going. So, I’m more concerned with rewriting the absolute worst scenes rather than scenes that are just mediocre. I plan on rewriting the scenes that do their job just in sort of a meh way for the next read through of this still private beta.

If everything goes according to plan, I SHOULD have enough slack in the chronology of the transition from private to public beta that I will have a few days to kind of collect my thoughts before I do one last read through and hand the text over to Beta Readers to read.

Remember, the point at the moment is to just keep momentum going.

In other news, a fear someone I wanted to use as a source when it came to improving the investigation found in the novel did some due diligence and decided I was too much of a crank and they wanted nothing to do with me. This is a growing problem.

I just can’t help who I am. And I’m not all that inclined to change who I am, either.

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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