Day 35: ‘Simpsons Did It’

by Shelt Garner

I pride myself in being really creative, so I feel pretty distraught that one of the scifi novel ideas I have rolling around in my head is based on an already-used premise. The whole thing has kind of rattled my cage.

I’ve invested so much into gaming out the scenario that now that I realize I’m not all that original afterall, I feel rather sheepish. The two ideas are very different on their specifics, but their general conceits are identical to the point that it would be difficult to market my idea without everyone rolling their eyes and thinking it’s just like the novel already published.

Anyway, the novel I’ve been working on for years now is going really well. I just have to put in the work. I hope to throw myself back into writing no later than Sunday morning-afternoon.

Things are moving along so fast that I’m getting nervous / excited about what comes next and how I’m going to manage it. Not only am I about to move into the Beta Reader process, but I also will have to figure out what new novel I’m going to start working on while I wait for Beta Readers to finish the second draft.

As it stands, I’m either going to start working on the next novel in the projected six novel project, and or I’m going to start working on one of the OTHER scifi novel ideas I have rolling around in my head.

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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