by Shelt Garner
Today has been a very productive day in more ways that one. I started the day by writing some scenes, then did some editing and then wrapped things up by figuring out a tentative sequence of scenes in the third act.

It helps that I have a lot of different things I can work on at any particular moment so it’s not as easy to grow bored or frustrated. I’m still on track to have enough slack in the chronology that I can edit the entire second draft a few times before I finally print it out and start handing it to people.
I really want to hand the second draft to people as often as practical because I feel a physical hand off gives the event more weight. At least, that’s the plan. Once I’m in the Beta Reader process, I’m going to start work on another novel of some sort, so I keep that momentum going.
I’ve been giving writing a screenplay a lot of thought, but…I also realize I’m just too old to successfully pull of that particular hat trick. Though, if I wrote a break out first novel, that might be enough to allow me overcome basic Hollywood ageism on that front.
Though, of course, it could be that by the time I am a published author — if that ever happens — that the very idea of being a professional writer of anything will have been totally revolutionized.
I try not to think about that.
Anyway, it’s fun to think that soon I’ll be in a totally different stage of this process.