by Shelt Garner
It is very interesting that the very people who “just want to be left alone” are the same people who bitch and moan about things like “environmental, social, and corporate governance” scores. If the free market thinks ESG is something to strive for the what’s the problem?

The “leave me alone” people who otherwise think the we should leave everything to the hand of marketplace, suddenly get all freaked out that that very thing is happening. And, what’s more, these are the same people who get REALLY upset over “woke” corporations.
So the very people who think the state should stay out of the way are the very people who would support a Federal ban on ESG scoring. The issue is, of course, that lulz, nothing matters. The siren call of fascism is so powerful in American politics that the obvious hypocrisy involved in wanting the state to intervene with the work of the free market is a lulz.
It just doesn’t matter.
The fascist concept of the “corporate state” is growing in popularity amongst people who should know better. There’s no going back. It definitely seems as though my prediction that we will face the existential choice of autocracy or civil war.