Happy Birthday, New York Magazine

by Shelt Garner

There is probably an alternative universe out there where I at some point in the past worked for New York Magazine. I first became aware of the magazine not by reading it, but reading about it. I used to work at the Virginia Press Association and they had a small media-oriented library and among the books they had was one about The New York Herald-Tribune.

It was dry as dirt and I only read about 2/3rds of it, but what I did read was interesting. New York Magazine was originally the Sunday magazine of The New York Herald-Tribune. The paper was a bastion of Northeast Republican thought.


I love magazines as a concept and there was a point when I was really into New York Magazine. But, alas, as I’ve grown older, all my media consumption has grown extremely passive. The only contact I have with New York Magazine now is the occasional link on Twitter that I just read the headline of and never go any further.

But once I blow up with my DJ (novel) money, I would love to write for them in some capacity. With my luck, of course, they’ll probably write some profile of me that leads to me being “canceled.”

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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