Day 25: Gaming Out The Beta Reader Process

by Shelt Garner

It continues to be touch and go at the moment, but it is at least possible that I will wrap up the second draft of this novel as planned no later than July 4th, 2023. As such, I’m going to need Beta Readers.

If I manage to succeed, I’m willing to give Beta Readers no more than three months to read the novel. I can’t wait forever. And those three months will give me time to save up for an editor to read the manuscript before I get into the querying process.

This is where things get both very exciting and very nerve-wracking because it’s a whole new era. I’ve never gotten this far before. And even if I stick the landing, there is every reason to believe that I will be around 55 before I’m a published novelist.

As such, I’m probably going to start working seriously on some sort of second and third creative track whenever I enter the Beta Reader process. That’s the only way I can continue my forward momentum productively.

And, as always, a lot and I mean A FUCKING LOT, can go wrong either on an existential basis or in a way that totally changes the context of what’s going on. Anyway. All I can do is just work with what I do know, not on what I don’t know.

If things change, then I act accordingly.

But, for the time being, all systems go. Full speed ahead!

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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