Day 23: Entering The Second Act

by Shelt Garner

The hope is that now that I’ve wrapped up the first act of the second draft, that things should go much, much faster. I now have the foundation of the novel established. As such, I should be able to move a lot faster.

I hope.

I will note, however, that usually what happens — at least in the past — is when I reach this type of milestone, everything collapses and I have to start all over again for some reason.

But I just don’t have the time allotted to do such a thing. Though if I have to, I might still do it.

And, yet, I hope that doesn’t happen. I’m feeling pretty good about the novel, all things considered, other than a lingering fear that I’ll wake up tomorrow (or the next day) and some project will be announced that steals a march on me to the point that I have to pivot to something else.


But that’s just a professional hazard, I’m afraid. Those are things out of my control. All I can do is keep my head down and work on what I have power over. If I worry all the time about things I have no control over, then I won’t get anything done.

Again, as I’ve mentioned before, I think some of those fears are just “first time mother jitters.” And, if all else fails, I have a few other projects I could piviot to if the absolute worst happened. (Hopefully, it won’t.)

Onward to the second act!

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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