by Shelt Garner
The die has been cast — the conditions now exist for either autocracy or a civil war starting in late 2024, early 2025. I suppose there is a minor chance that somehow we punt our problems down the road one more election cycle, but I’m not feeling too confident.
I say this because no matter who wins in 2024, one side or the other could very well feel compelled to leave the Union at the state level. And it really all depends on a combination of Trump and how bad things have gotten on a systemic basis within the Republican Party.
If Trump somehow magically manages NOT to steal / win the 2024 election, it’s easy to imagine him ranting about secession, even if it’s obliquely. That, unto itself, could be enough for Red states to begin the process of secession, probably starting with Texas. Though, of course, Texas might defer to South Carolina out of a sense of history. (Anything is possible.)
Meanwhile, if Trump wins in 2024 — which he could very well do, given that pretty much 40,000 swing voters in five states decide everything — his incoming agenda could be so God awful radical that Blue states are faced with the choice of bending a knee to autocracy or leaving the Union. If that choice did occur, my bet is that Blues will ultimately bend a knee because it’s too easy for all the smug Twitter liberals who would otherwise be the leadership of Blue America to simply decamp to the four corners of the world.
There is the chance that a Not Trump Republican wins the nomination and the 2024 election and such an outcome would grease the wheels of our transition into autocracy such that, lulz, we wake up in 20 years to the US invading Canada free it of the “woke cancel culture mob.”
I wish I was kidding.
Anyway, the key thing for me of late is liberas on Twitter continue to think fascist MAGA Nazis care one lick about hypocrisy. For instance, Clarence Thomas could have eaten someone as a kid, Yellowjackets style, and there would not be a peep from the Right about him needing to resign. MAGA Nazis are so craven, so power hungry, that they’re willing to accept any crime, any hypocrisy….ANYTHING…from someone on their side if it furthers their MAGA Nazi agenda.
So, lulz. That’s all I got, folks. Get ready.