by Shelt Garner
I now, for the first time, find myself dwelling on what I would do if some whack job started shooting while I’m out. I know in the abstract that this is rather ridiculous, but I also realize that gun violence in the United States is so completely out of hand that I probably need to begin to psych myself up for the possibility that the bullets may start flying.

The fear reminds me of a short story concept I have in which everyone is handed a gun at 18 and you’re required to be packing at all times, no matter what. That definitely seems like the future we’re careening towards — at least in Red States.
Guns are definitely an issue that continues to tear the country apart. If you want to know how Red or Blue a state — or a person — is, figure out their views on common sense gun control. The issue is, of course, that on a systemic basis Republicans continue to lurch towards getting their autocratic future where voting is a lulz and fuck you woke libtard.
When MAGA catches that particular car, that will be the moment of truth to determine one way or another if the United States becomes an autocracy with permanent white Christian minority rule or we have a civil war. It could go either way at this point.
And as I keep ranting about — it all depends on Trump.
Which direction the country goes will ultimately fall in Trump’s lap. He could, unto himself, cause a civil war to happen either by winning or by losing! I’m coming to believe Blues just don’t have it in them to be so bold as to serve papers on a National Divorce. It will be too easy for the would-be leadership of a Blue Nation to simply decamp to the south of France to produce their smug out-of-touch podcasts.
I don’t know. Everything is so muddled at this point. I really don’t want a civil war. I have a novel to try to sell.