by Shelt Garner
The bonkers state of affairs on the abortion front is a prime example of how America is facing the existential choice of autocracy or civil war in late 2024, early 2025.

The reason is — the Republican Party continues to lose support because of Trump and yet the base of the GQP is so potent that they continue to cling on to the least-popular of agendas. If the United States was a functioning democracy, there would come a point of crisis, a tipping point, where Republicans would finally realize they have to adjust their policy positions so they can get back to winning elections again.
But we are not a functioning democracy and the Republican Party is fascist.
As such, I just don’t know how our democracy makes it through the passions of the 2024 election. We’re either going to stop being a democracy and voting will be moot as MAGA consolidates power or we have some sort of National Divorce which prompts a Second American Civil War. Either Trump loses and we have a civil war because Reds leave the Union or Trump wins and we have a civil war because Blues leave the Union.
Republicans hate democracy and they are so beholden to their autocracy loving base that they see democracy as a means to an end — their victory and permanent rule as white minority Christians.
There are no easy answers. No easy solutions. But I will note that I’m almost always wrong, so lulz, who knows.