by Shelt Garner
As my writing and storytelling ability improves, my desire to talk about what I’m doing decreases significantly. In fact, the only reason why I even keep writing about writing on this blog is I’m 100% extroverted and I can’t help myself. But for that specific character trait, I would probably go completely dark until I finished this second draft.

What continues to bother me is how much uncut, pure grade bullshit can be found within the so-called online “writing community.” Not only is there way, way, way too much conspicuous existential angst from writers who don’t seem to like or want to write, pretty much all the “advice” I find online can be boiled down to, “Whatever works for you is wrong.”
It’s very, very frustrating.
It’s come to the point where I am now aggressively ignoring as much of the online writing community as I can. And, honestly, I probably would leave social media entirely but for the fact that I’m so bereft of any social interaction in the real world that social media is a vice I’m willing to suffer.
Anyway, things are getting really, really good with this novel for no other reason than it’s getting dark, spicy and has clearly defined stakes now. It’s required a major overhaul of the first half of the novel, but I’ve finally reached a point where I’m reasonably content with what I have.
The main issue is, well, writing. I have to get outside my comfort zone and be willing to work harder to finish this second draft if I have any chance of getting it done by July 1st. I’m already 11 days into this process and I’m still lurking around the first chapter. It’s all very frustrating.
I’m not getting younger and if I don’t keep throwing everything up in the air just because things aren’t perfect, I’m going keep revising the first few chapters of this second draft to the point that it will be a year from now and I will be no closer to finishing.
So. I really need more structure in my life. I need to establish metrics and meet them. I’m hoping that writing a blog post like this every day will give me some sense of accountability so I actually do, in fact, write.