by Shelt Garner
I’ve finally reached the point in the process of writing my first novel that I really don’t want to talk about it anymore. I just want to do it. And, yet, you take yourself where ever you go — I’m just too much of an extrovert not to talk about the single most important creative thing going on in my life at the moment.
So, here we are.
I’ve given myself until July 1st to finish a beta draft of this novel. I was hoping to finish it by the end of spring, but I’ve decided to make it a clean three months rather than having to worry about when spring actually ends. But, in general, anything past the end of spring will be considered extended overtime in the process of writing this novel.
Things are going pretty well, all things considered. But there is a key thing I have to do — I have to stop rewriting everything at the drop of a hat. I have the entire draft sketched out, but I have to go through and revise it extensively to make it a cohesive whole.
And that’s going to take time.
At the moment, I continue to spin my wheels in the first chapter because I have to figure out the relationships between different characters before I can go any further. I think — think — I have managed to stabilize the relationships I need to stablize.
Now, to shut up and write.