Curious Developments In The Special Counsel Fight

by Shelt Garner

Well, it definitely looks as though all my idle speculation about Trump being caught red handed babbling about treason was just that — baseless speculation. I say this because — at the moment at least — Trump isn’t going to appeal his recent legal defeat surrounding the situation.

If there was a record of him being treasonous, he probably would fight it a lot harder.

But something curious continues to swirl around Trump’s legal fight with Jack Smith. Apparently, whatever it is that it being fought over regards Trump lying to his lawyers about him having more secret documents after he told the Feds he had handed over all of them.

And, yet, something about that doesn’t make sense. How would the Feds KNOW that Trump lied to his lawyers other than they found more documents after he said it. There is something about all of this that doesn’t add up.

All I know is, the last time I saw this kind curious shadow boxing was the first reports about Trump’s “perfect call” with the president of Ukraine. Whatever is going on, it’s Big. Really big.

I don’t know. I just don’t know. I suppose we’ll find out soon enough.

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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