Literary Types Can Be So Fucking Frustrating

by Shelt Garner

I continue to worry that I could write the fucking Bible and because I come across as a drunk crank to snooty literary types that I’m doomed to never be a published author. I find this situation so strange because I thought as creative types themselves that literary types would embrace someone who’s a bit of a kook like me.

The only reason why this is even an issue is I continue to be dissed by people I want to pay to help me work on my novel. This situation really scrambles not just my sense of self, but self worth. I’ve always thought my colorful, sometimes larger-than-life personality was a strength, not a weakness.

But, here I am, worried that it won’t be my actual storytelling ability that prevents me from selling a novel — but ME.

And, yet, I know who I am and if you don’t like it — fuck you.

I try to be the best person I can be and I feel I have the gift not only of gab but of storytelling. I continue to work on this novel in a vacuum, so it’s taking much, much longer than it should to finish.

I’m really, really pleased with how this novel is shaping up. It’s getting really good. I’m impressed with the scenario I’ve come up with and this is saying something from someone who is brutal on my writing.

Only time will tell, I guess. All I ask of literary types is to give me a chance rather than dismissing me because they think I’m weird. I suppose the difference between being “weird” and “endearing” is….success.

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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