‘Silence is My Psychedelic’ #lyrics to a #pop song

Silence is My Psychedelic
lyrics by @sheltgarner
Please give credit if you produce or perform

when all is lost
and your boat will go nowhere
don’t be afraid to say nothing
while screaming in your heart
that’s what I do whenever I need
to jump start
silence is my psychedelic

clear the decks
I say with a lie
because I know that
silence is my psychedelic
silence is my psychedelic
silence is my psychedelic

everywhere I go I know I’m on a roll
the world can’t be flat
I know for a fact
but as long as you’re by my side
I can sigh knowing I can speak my peace
and lie next to you in silence because

silence is my psychedelic
clear the decks
I say with a lie
because I know that
silence is my psychedelic
silence is my psychedelic
silence is my psychedelic

say is loud and proud
sometimes you need to shout
into the void
to prove you’re allowed

silence is my psychedelic
clear the decks
I say with a lie
because I know that
silence is my psychedelic
silence is my psychedelic
silence is my psychedelic

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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