by Shelt Garner
I am really pleased with where things stand with this second draft. I do have a few concerns, however. One concern is how long its taking me. I really need to speed up my writing. I simply do not have forever. I continue to hope to have this second draft done by around June.
That’s the hope.
But I sometimes find myself falling into the bad habit of just kind of drifting towards my goal. It’s very annoying. And, yet, the reason why it’s taking so long as I am really thinking hard about character. The only way this novel is going to work is if I really, really improve character.
Another fear I have is this fucking novel is too long. Or will be. It’s going to blow past the 100,000 word sweat spot, to the point that I am struggling with a second novel that would be in the 80,000 to 100,000 range. The only problem is, I’m so focused on this first novel, that it’s really difficult to turn my attention away and write about anything else.