by Shelt Garner
For what feels like an eternity, Hollywood movies have been bifurcated into two types of genres — woke and comic book. It’s still too soon to tell, but with the success of Cocaine Bear and the coming No Hard Feelings it seems as though it’s at least POSSIBLE that movies are back!

There is a lot to unpack.
One is, despite the rise of Netflix and Chill young people still need a socially acceptable reason to get out of the house and spend a few hours in the dark with a girl or boy that they like.
Also, movies are the background buzz of culture. Sometimes, a movie is just a movie and you go see it and don’t really think about the finer points of Critical Race Theory while you do.
And, in real terms, it’s be a very, very long term since we had raunchy hard comedies like Wedding Crashers and The Hangover in theatres. The premise of No Hard Feelings is enough to make any woke person clutch their pearls for a number of reasons.
I generally support the ideals of being “woke” but sometimes audiences just want to let off some steam watching a smoking hot chick try to seduce a 19 year old for a car.
It’s dumb and spicy and just the type of movie that was the cornerstone of the film going experience for generations until the fucking woke people began to believe there was something innately wrong about heteronormative monoculture.
The case could be made that the pandemic scared the shit out of Hollywood and, as such, they decided to go back to basics. Give people a movie about a bear on cocaine. Give people a movie staring a hot A-list actress trying to bang a 19 year old.
It will be interesting to see what the people on Tik-Tok think about this movie. I think, in a sense, they will make or break the movie.