by Shelt Garner
While it’s definitely slowing me down significantly, I’ve decided to pick the weakest scenes the first draft of this novel and rewrite them completely. Things are really falling into place, however. I’m very pleased with how my characters are beginning to take shape in a professional manner.

Two things are influencing this development. One is, I’m finally doing, like, research and shit that I can use to flesh out my characters. Also, I’m making my way through Fleabag and I definitely feel the need to up my game some. The Fleabag characters are so well constructed that I feel obliged to make my own characters better.
Also, I’ve finally, finally, finally figured out motivation. I understand what makes my heroine tick and now that I have that down pat, a lot of other crutical elements to the story can now flow from it.
I have tweaked some elements of the character to make her personal history more spicy and engaging. One thing I’m paying close attention to is how people would actually react to someone as interesting as my heroine if she was a real person.
I’ve set June as my deadline for finishing this second draft. That’s about as late as I can put it and still hope to begin querying agents in early 2024 after the holidays.