The Great Irony About MAGA & Their Civil War Bloodlust

by Shelt Garner

I keep saying this, but it’s true — the great irony about MAGA is they’re so blinded by rage at the “woke cancel culture mob” that they’re totally oblivious to how they’re politically ascendant.

All they have to do is be patient and they’ll get everything they want without firing a shot. That’s it — just be patient. And, yet, here we are, with a growing chorus of enraged MAGA people calling for a “National Divorce” or even more direct violence against individual law makers that they don’t like.

It’s all very very dumb.

I still don’t think we’re going to have a civil war for no other reason than because of the ebb and flow of politics, it’s nearly inevitable that the fucking fascist MAGA Republicans will gain control of the White House as part of the next presidential election cycle and away we go — America becomes a fascist state.

As such, there are only two ways we might have a civil war.

  1. Trump is the Republican nominee
  2. A Democrat wins the 2024 election and Red States bounce.

    If either one of those happen, then, yes, states will start leaving the Union. I suppose there is a third option, which would be we just don’t know WHO the POTUS is by the time they’re supposed to be sworn in, but that’s very, very unlikely.

    I can’t predict the future — no one can — but I do think late 2024, early 2025 could be some of the most momentous months in American — if not world — history.

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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