by Shelt Garner
One thing I learned from starting ROKon Magazine in Seoul is how just by deciding to go a direction, any direction, people will scream at you that you’re doing it wrong. I think about this fact a lot now that I’m pretty far into not just the second draft of my first novel, but developing a second tract scifi novel.
There is so much grifting going on when it comes to the online writing community. Don’t get me wrong — there is a lot of benefit found within the writing communities found across the various social media platform. But there is a lot, a LOT, of hokum and grift generated by people who want to take advantage of people who don’t know what they’re doing, but they do know they want to be a novelist.
As such, I’ve decided to tune out as much as I can from the online writing community. I only even talk about the novels I’m working on because I’m 100% extroverted and can’t help myself. Sigh.
Anyway, my 50th birthday is looming and I really need to hunker down and try — try — to finish something so I can begin to query agents as quickly as possible.