‘Limited Time Only’ #lyrics to a #pop #rock song

Limited Time Only
by @sheltgarner
Please give credit if you produce or perform

things are dire
there’s no doubt
when you’re gone
and I walk about
without any fret
that you’ll be out of my net

limited time only
is all we got
limited time only
is all we got
limited time only
until we drop

a tingle in my toes
of the reget I feel
without you present
in the end we all have
a limited time
on this earth

limited time only
is all we got
limited time only
is all we got
limited time only
until we drop

everything is safe
let’s call it a date
you and I forever
no one can pull us apart
even if we dart back and forth
like a cat under foot
looking for a bite to eat

because remember
we all have a limited time
a limited time only
to make peace with the past
before it’s all just a memory
forgotten without sass

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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