Apparently, My Mind Wants Any Novel I Write To Be An Allegory

by Shelt Garner

Well, I’ve done it again with my second tract scifi novel — I’ve come up with an allegory for the modern world. What’s more it’s also an opportunity for me to rant at great length about how much I fucking hate people who deny global climate change.

I’m going to use subtext, of course, to do all this ranting. But it is interesting that the first thing I do once I start to seriously flesh out this scifi concept is to turn into an allegory.

But that allegory works really well. What’s more, as currently conceived, there’s actually more than one allegory involved. Or, I suppose, you might say there are different “layers” to this novel that you need a “key” to unlock. Or something. Something like that.

Anyway, it’s interesting. I’m really enjoying being able to piviot to a different story every once in a while when the mood strikes me.

I still need to read more and I still need to think seriously about working on some short story ideas.

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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