by Shelt Garner
For once, something fun-interesting is happening where nobody gets hurt and we don’t have to worry about some sort of contrived battle over “is it woke” or not. I’m talking, of course, about MSCHF’s Big Red Boots.

They have sprung up out of nowhere and now can be seen all over my Tik-Tok For You Page. I knew that they would be really expensive, but when I found out they were over $1,000 — I blanched.
And I think the fact that REALLY WEALTHY people are wearing these boots in a “who me?” type of way does have a political element to it in the sense that it all goes back to how much income inequality there is in the United States at the moment. With the advent of the Chatbot Revolution, things are probably only going to get worse.
So, if the country collapses into revolution and civil war, I guess we will look back at these very cool, very expensive Big Red Boots as a rather innocuous ping from our impeding doom.