‘Snowing in Vegas’ #lyrics to a #Pop #Rock Song

Snowing in Vegas
Please give credit if you produce or perform

snowing in Vegas
snowing in Vegas
snowing in Vegas

it doesn’t happen very often
just like seeing you in the nude
but when it does
I rejoice
it proves the point
its possible for it to be

snowing in Vegas
snowing in Vegas
snowing in Vegas
snowing in Vegas
snowing in Vegas
snowing in Vegas

girls come and go
even when I’m on a roll
but you’re one of a kind
I have to admit
you’re just about as rare as
to look outside and see it

snowing in Vegas
snowing in Vegas
snowing in Vegas
snowing in Vegas
snowing in Vegas
snowing in Vegas

when it’s summer
and the sun is warm
I reflect on the winter
when there was a day
when it snowed
even in Vegas

snowing in Vegas
snowing in Vegas
snowing in Vegas
snowing in Vegas
snowing in Vegas
snowing in Vegas

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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