by Shelt Garner
After a number of years of hard work, I’m finally — finally — about to begin the beta reader process in spring 2023. As such, to some of extend things are about to be somewhat out of my hands. I hope to become a beta reader for other people as part of this process.

But the key thing all of this is reminding me of is how I need to begin to expand beyond this first novel. I need to start working on other novels and short stories. If I was younger, I might even dabble in screenwriting.
I have a limited amount of time to work with, however, so it will have to be novels and short stories.
I have three solid scifi novel concepts rolling around in my mind and I think if I really buckle down and give me otherwise listless life some daily structure then I can move at a nice little clip with these other novel concepts. Plot has always been a real problem for me, but I managed to think up a really good plot for my first novel so I hope to be able to use my knowledge of plot to speed the process up a great deal.
That is, at least, the hope.
I just don’t have forever to spin my wheels on all of this. That’s why the idea that I’m finally, finally at a point where I can begin the beta reader process is a big deal for me. I am unhappy, of course, that it has taken me so long to get to this point.
I hate being a late bloomer, but, lulz, here we are.