by Shelt Garner
So. Because of how fucking weird the weather continues to be around the globe combined with my need for a second creative track, I have decided to at least once a week work on something other than my first novel.

I have two solid scifi concepts. One dealing with global climate change and one dealing with a very unique pandemic. I have mentioned the global climate change novel to a manuscript consultant and she LOVED it. She loved it to the point that I could totally see her deciding to write it herself.
She definitely has the means, motive and opportunity to do such a thing. But I definitely find the idea I came up intriguing enough to take up again after not really thinking about it for a while.
I think the way I rationalize working on this global climate change novel despite the risks of the person I mentioned it to stealing a march on me is to simply not take it very seriously. Use it as a way to improve my novel writing abilities, knowing full well that I could wake up in a few months and my novel idea will have been written and published by someone else.
If I just don’t get too wrapped up in actually getting it published, then I think it won’t hurt as much should the idea get “stolen” from me. And, besides, I have my first novel to work on and a pandemic idea to work on.
Wish me luck.