The Rise Of The ‘Hot Lesbian’

by Shelt Garner

While I generally have a very blase view on most things sexual, on a macro societal basis, I find myself growing just a bit alarmed at the rise of hot lesbians. These are women who are traditionally attractive but have decided to play for the other team, as it were.


Now, I validate their right to be lesbians and the whole “hot” part is equally a lulz, but…what is going on? Why would growing numbers of traditionally attractive women decide that they would rather date women? Or, I suppose a better question would be — why are lesbians deciding to dress in a way that makes them hot to men? Or is that just a side-effect of something I don’t understand.

Given that I don’t anything about anything, I suppose the last possibility is the most likely. I suspect I’m overthinking things. Lesbians want to be hot, too, and maybe even though they’re thinking of the female gaze, the way they’re doing it is mistaken by idiots like me as being “hot” in a heteronormative manner.

As an aside, I have to say that that very hot lesbian Fletcher leaves me at a loss. While I like her persona and her music, the more I listen to her stuff the more of an Old I feel. It seems very “of the moment” in a way that makes it very specific and niche.

Or, it could be, I’m just old and out of touch.

I hate being old. Anyway, there’s a good 10,000 word New Yorker piece to be written about the rise of “hot lesbians” and What It All Means especially in the context of the “woke cancel culture mob.” Scott Galloway seems like the type of person who would write it, too.

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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