by Shelt Garner
I have fallen into a horrible rut as I reach my 50th birthday. I love to produce media but I loath to consume it. But, as they say, if you have time to write you have time to read (or watch.) I have a new Netflix account and there are all these really good movies and TV shows to watch….and I just can’t get into them.

Meh. I don’t care. *I* want to be the person creating content for other people, not having to slog through some other person’s vision. It’s all very curious and frustrating. I need to get outside my comfort zone, expose myself to new ideas so when I do write content I have those new ideas rolling around in my mind.
It’s all very much a pain in the ass, especially as I yet again start from scratch on a new iteration of the second draft of my first novel. It should not be so difficult. All I have to do is plop myself in front of my laptop and watch something, anything, for longer than a few moments.
The last few TV shows I actually got into were 30 Rock, Mad Men and the first season of Stranger Things — otherwise, nada. This is so embarrassing. Some of it is I have a very specific taste in content to the point that if it doesn’t hit me just right…I can’t bear to watch it.
Anyway. It’s time for me to come to grips with the fact that I’m not some sort of man in a high castle. If I’m going to be a successful content creator, I have to CONSUME content as well. It’s very difficult because as I’ve grown older, I’ve all out of the habit of consuming ANY media outside of the occasional movie.