by Shelt Garner
As this novel begins to get better and better, I feel like I need to get a better grip on what my heroine looks like. And, at the moment, my heroine in my mind looks a lot like Olivia Munn.

It’s maybe not a one-to-one, but that’s the vibe I’m looking for in my mind. There are a few other AmerAsian women of the right age in Hollywood who I’m also thinking about as I write the character, but it’s Munn I keep coming back to over and over again.
In my imagination, the character looks like Olivia Munn but has a very Mare of Easttown vibe to her — in a way.
At least, that’s what I’m doing in my mind as I write this novel — I really have Mare of Easttown at the forefront of my mind as I work on this novel because the dynamic of the two stories is kind of sorta similar.
Sorta. Kinda.
Or, put another way, I’ve gotten a lot of inspiration from Mare of Easttown. So, at the moment, the novel (series) is a mixture of Stieg Larsson’s writing combined with Mare of Easttown.
Anyway, I’m growing nearly ecstatic as to how good things are going. I at least know how *I* develop and write a novel. I vacillate wildly between thinking absolutely no one will care about any of this no matter how hard I work to thinking I might — just might — have a chance pulling this off.