by Shelt Garner
The worst MAGA Nazi cocksucker is the one who won’t take your anger at how they’re racist mygonists seriously. They are ostensibly kind, gentle and well-meaning in an almost condensing way. No matter how angry you get that you believe they’re fucking Nazis, they give you some shuck-and-jive bullshit about “can’t we all just get along?”

I’m sure that there were similar types of Nazis in Germany back in the day. They were a variation of the “Good German” trope. They were able to detach themselves from the innate hate of Nazism in the name of just “restoring” order to a complicated, confusing world.
With that having said, I really, really want these well-meaning MAGA Nazis to fucking hate me. I want them to get angry with me because then, at least, they would be validating me rage about how MAGA Nazism wants to destroy the country. I have a few of these well-meaning, earnest MAGA Nazis in my personal life, but the public example of this is none other than fucking Catturd.
Catturd really wants to be just a regular old Joe who loves his family and country and just can’t understand why people wouldn’t vote for the fucking malignant ding-dong that is Donald Trump. FUCK THAT GUY. Just because you hide behind a gee-whiz demonor of niceness doesn’t remove the fact that you’re a fucking MAGA Nazi.
It’s all very frustrating.
I know that, in the end, despite all the gentle kindness bullshit that Catturd displays now that in the end, when the time comes he’ll be the first to condone me being sent to a camp for this or that reason. Ugh. Fuck MAGA Nazis and fuck Catturd.