by Shelt Garner
Let me be clear, I only use the term “antifa” because of what it means literally “anti-fascist.” I hate violence of any sort. Hell, I hate conflict of any sort — even though my status as a loud mouth crank does tend to get me in trouble on that front.

But I’ve given it a lot of thought and the issue is — being a “centrist” is a luxury none us can afford anymore. Either you have to align yourself with the extreme MAGA Nazis, or you have to align yourself with the “woke cancel culture mob.” Given that MAGA Nazis are fucking racist misogynistic cocksucker, if I’m forced to pick a side — I know which one’s I’m picking: antifa.
I don’t, in anyway, condone the violence associated with antifa, but I do fucking hate MAGA Nazis a great deal on an ideological basis. I continue to be alarmed with some of the Leftist extremes of the Biden Administration, but what am I going to do about it? Even though I hate negative polarization, the issue is that there just isn’t any middle ground anymore.
And, as such, for the time being, I’m willing to get attacked by MAGA Nazis if it means there is a chance, a hope that at some point we come out the other side and can have a traditional liberal democracy again. Because I suspect late 2024, early 2025 is going to be extremely dramatic.
I’m always, always wrong, of course. And, yet, a lot of political (and technological!) trends are coming to a head at the same time. And I just don’t see how we make it through late 2024, early 2025 without a severe political crisis, the likes of which we haven’t seen since the end of the American Civil War in 1865. It could be catastrophic, with a Third World War happening in conjunction with it.
My fear is, of course, that just as we’re going to have a Singularity, a Second American Civil War and World War 3 all happening at the same time because of the severe recession of 2023. But I did mention I’m always wrong. So, who knows.
I do know one thing, though — pick a side, or a side will be chosen for you.