by Shelt Garner
If anything epitomizes how fucked we are, it’s the contrived “gotcha” that is the fucking MAGA Nazis obsession over the question “What is a woman.” They know that because for the typical center-Left politician (because of the political power of the transgender community) this is not as simple a question as the average person might believe.

So, as usual, the two sides talk past each other. Or, even worse, MAGA Nazis take any reluctance to give the answer they think the average person expects as “proof” as to how out of touch the “woke” “groomers” of the “cancel culture mob” are when it comes to the absolute need of every American to see Hunter Biden’s cock on Twitter.
When it comes to transgender rights, I’m pretty indifferent. I don’t think transgender people should be discriminated against, but I’m not an idiot — I can see what your typical Traditionalist in middle America is aghast at how conspicious the issue of transgender rights has become in recent years. And through in a huge disinformation campaign on the part of MAGA Nazis over young children and gender reassignment surgery and you have a recipe for a fucking custerfuck.
If our politics was functional, the two sides would have a lot of debate about transgender rights and, in the end, we would have some consensus as to what to do with the issue. But, HA, we can’t even agree on what color the sky is, much less something like transgender rights that requires a subtle, nuanced approach given the sensitives of both sides about such things.
And it’s self-evident that MAGA Nazis know transgender rights is a pressure point for center-Left politicians. If transgender rights is the reason you’re a single-issue voter, if a politician you’re inclined to vote for doesn’t give the “right” answer you’re probably going to scream bloody murder So, of course, that’s the one thing that MAGA Nazis hone in on as much as possible to put the squeeze on center-Left politicians.
The whole thing is horrible. Why can’t just get along?
Also: fuck MAGA Nazis. Cocksuckers.