‘If You Ain’t Got Haters, You Ain’t Poppin’– My Growing MAGA Hate Followers on Twitter

by Shelt Garner

I don’t know what to make of this. In dribs and drabs, I’m beginning to get more and more MAGA “hate followers” who obviously only follow me because they want to keep tabs on people like me.

I don’t know what to make of this development. In a way, I guess, it’s flattering? Maybe? If they hate more or not, at least they’re giving me their time and attention, which is something.

My only fear, of course, is there might be some sort of sinister second phase to this particular development that I don’t know about or can’t expect. But I think, for the time, that would be overthinking things.

The whole thing is humorous and innocuous as far as I can tell. It’s a lulz. So what, they hate my politics and I hate theirs. As long as they don’t trolls me, then I don’t see any problem.

Now, obviously, some of these MAGA people following me do so because of confirmation basis — they think people like me hate them and so they want to see people like me…hate them. I don’t really hate THEM, I hate their POLITICS. But people who follow me for such a reason are extremely clueless and unself-aware. They think they can be a part of American MAGA Nazism without, well, having to deal with the consequences of being the member of a Nazi variant.

I say this as someone who if I would just become MAGA would, on a personal basis, find a lot of benefit. I would have an extensive support group of MAGA people and my relationship with my direct family members would be A LOT better.

But fuck that as they say.

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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