by Shelt Garner
Update: Nevermind, for the time being I’m back to six novels. Things are still up in the air, but I do this all the time (at times) vacillate about how many novels are in this project.
While I still really love all six novels in this project I’ve been working on, two of the novels may, now that I understand the first novel better, be moot. Or, simply, not as needed.
While they’re really interesting, I am beginning to believe that they’re a bit redundant, given what goes on in the first novel. This happens to me all the time — the shape and scope of the novel ebbs and flows as events warrent, sometimes rather radically.
So, what will happen is the first novel will recount events from 25 years ago, then we leap forward 18 years, then leap forward seven years. Another reason for doing this is the ever-present looming age thing. I’m no sure that I want to spend a lot of my time on two novels that just aren’t as action-packed as maybe the other novels are as I slowly grow even more gray.
I’m not sure yet, though. But usually the biggest decisions I make with this project happen rather easily. And, yet…we’ll see I guess.