by Shelt Garner
I try to listen to the “All In” podcast if for no other reason than to force myself to listen to people I disagree with — in an more extreme way, this is why I listen to Steve Bannon’s “War Room” podcast. I must note that on a political basis, at least, I pretty much agree with Jason Calacanis who isn’t at all as fascist as some of the other people on the All In podcast.

Anyway, what is so alarming is how fascist David Sacks is. He’s a very smart, very educated man, but fuck if that guy isn’t a fascist. He gives off German Industrialist vibes. He also reminds me of a relative of mine who essentially espouses political views that are identical to Sacks.
I’m reading up on the rise of Hitler and it’s all very disheartening how history is repeating itself in the United States at the moment. All things being equal on a macro level, it seems an immutable law of history at this point that the United States is going to slip into autocracy the moment we have another Republican president.
But there are a lot — a lot — of variables that I simply can’t game out. There is the issue of how fucking old Donald Trump and Joe Biden are. There is the issue of Trump being a low energy loser now who might — or might not — be replaced by a younger, more agile fascist like Ron DeSantis.
And, yet, it could go either way.
Maybe Trump will be the nominee and, as such, could, unto himself, spark a civil war by pushing Blue states out of the Union?
I just don’t know. I just know that all signs point to the next two years being far, far more unstable in the United States than you might otherwise think. But I’m always wrong, so it’s possible we’ll somehow manage to punt some pretty existential problems down the road AGAIN.
Only time will tell. But the rise of the fascist Tech Bro isn’t exactly helping the situation. It would be a lot more helpful if people as educated and powerful as Tech Bros still believed in democracy.