by Shelt Garner
If Annie Shapiro was alive, I would totally think it was her who is stalking me online at the moment. But she’s tragically dead, so, it can’t be her. I thought maybe it was someone close to her or someone who hates / loves me from South Korea.
Now, I’m beginning to wonder if someone from the KAF community remains REALLY FUCKING INTERESTED in me. Even when I was active in KAF they were pretty much all stalking me as it was. So, it definitely seems as though if I have a stalker and not a fan, it would be someone with KAF.
And I seem to recall that there was at least one KAF person who managed to dig up some embarrassing thing I wrote online 25 odd years ago. I’m just not that interesting, at least not yet. And if you’re obsessed with a nobody like me — maybe you should seek help?
You could at least wait until I blow up with my DJ money to care that much about me, to have a parasocial relationship with me.