by Shelt Garner
I have repeatedly gotten to this point in the past, only to have everything fall apart at some point. But I’m not getting any younger and I really am in a put up or shut up phase of things. So, I hope I can wrap up this first draft of my first novel AGAIN no later than the end of the year, if not sooner.
I’m really pleased with what I’ve managed to come up with. I am, however, well aware that selling a novel, any novel when I’m an unknown author in my early 50s is going to be like winning the literary lottery. And I’m not so full of myself that I won’t consider self-publishing if that’s what is obviously going to be my only option.
But I want to at least go through the traditional process of finding and agent and selling a novel to a publishing house that way. I, of course, continue to have a looming fear that if I do win the lottery that if you factor in post-production that we could be in the middle of a civil war by the time the novel is on bookshelves.
And, yet, lulz.
As my father would say — no one ever got anywhere in this world without taking a chance.
So, there you go. I’m going to try, at least, to get these six novels published in a traditional manner. And I have a few other novel concepts that I’m noodling around in my head and may turn to at some point as a “second tract” while I work towards getting this first novel traditionally published.
Or not. I’ve been very stubborn with just working within this one universe, damn the consequences.