Future History: MAGA’s Siege Of Atlanta

by Shelt Garner

When I run the Second American Civil War scenario in my mind, I hone in places where there is a real difference of political orientation. So, Virginia is a state that will probably collapse into a Yugoslavia-like situation should there be a 2ACW because it’s actually two states — one Red, one Blue — that hate each other.

If you look at a political map of the United States, there is one other place that definitely seems ripe for implosion if what you believe politically becomes existential — Georgia. I don’t really know anything about the Peach State, but it definitely seems as though there is Atlanta and Everywhere Else in the state. I’ve been to Atlanta once and it’s a MASSIVE cityscape. Huge. Where New York City went up, Atlanta has gone out.

Anyway, my fear is, if there is a 2ACW, Atlanta is going to be a huge fucking Blue spot in a sea of red and we’re all going to learn about the Siege of Atlanta in 50 years from now.

So, you would have a situation where Red Georgia would surround Blue Atlanta in an attempt to destroy it. It sounds very fantastical now, but cold, hard domestic geopolitics tells us that such a nightmare scenario is a very real possibility.

If we’ve gotten to that point, of course, then, well, we’re all fucked.

It Can Happen Here

by Shelt Garner

I’m reading a political biography about the rise of Hitler — as one does — and the key takeaway so far is: it can happen here. We like to make ourselves feel better by believing that the rise of the Nazis was something unique to the German psyche after The Great War.

But the more I read about Hitler’s ascent, the more I realize that it Can Happen Here. Though, of course, Trump could not be more different than Hitler. I’m just at the book where Hitler’s personal characteristics are described and Trump is no Hitler.

The way Hitler is described really lays bare how Trump is just an empty suit who happened to at the right place at the right time to be a vessel, an avatar for white Christian rage over the browning of America and the rise of economically liberated women. (All the bitching and moaning about “wokeness” and homophobia is just something that happens on the Right because it’s politically expedient.)

Anyway, all signs point to A Very American Autocracy. And there is one specific problem which could very well cause Nazi-like genocide in the United States: race.

Once the United States is no longer a democracy, the more vile elements of the American experience could grow dangerously amplified to the point that there are Killing Fields in upstate New York and in various places around the South. The United States could implode into a situation where the only way we get rid of our American Nazi overlords is they grow so extreme that there is some sort of mass revolt.

Or, I don’t know, NATO, Japanese and Korean forces swoop in and topple the MAGA fascists who are murdering millions at an alarming clip by that point.

The point is — be very alarmed. Everything from Election Night 2022 to January 2025 (and beyond) could be historic and flabbergasting. Something’s gotta give. Call it the Fourth Turning or the Great Reset — America is in for a very, very bumpy ride.

Glenn Youngkin Is Such An Embarrassment To Virginia

by Shelt Garner

Virginia is a pretty moderate, laid back state. But having said that, I also have to note that Virginia is actually two states fused together who hate each other. You have the Blue Virginia of the Urban Corridor and you have the Red Virginia of everything else.

How embarassing.

So, while ideally Gov. Glenn Youngkin would apologize for making a joke about Paul and Nancy Pelosi after Mr. Pelosi was attacked with a hammer as part of an assassination attempt on Speaker Pelosi, lulz, he’s never going to do so.

The reason is — the vast majority of the people who put Youngkin in office don’t want him to, would see it as a sign of weakness if he did. We live in an era of no shame. And Youngkin is — at the moment at least — believes he might be elected POTUS in 2024, when, of course, he’s more likely to be a dark horse candidate for Trump’s veep.

This is yet another sign that the United States is circling the drain as it heads towards autocracy, civil war or military junta at some point in late 2024, early 2025. What the endgame is, I have no idea.

But I do know that the situation we’re in at the moment is untenable long-term. Something’s gotta give. And I think if the absolute worst happens — civil war — Virginia is going to be a state that implodes, with coup and counter coups happening as the two sides vie for control of a strategically important state next to the national capitol.

An Interesting Possible Feature Of My Imagined ‘Twitter Replacement’

by Shelt Garner

There is a very narrow window of opportunity for someone to create a Twitter Killer and, lulz, I just don’t see anyone listening to me in time for my dream of a Usenet UX-inspired start up happening.

But I find myself thinking a lot about how feature rich such a service could be. One cool possible feature would be that each ad hoc Group that a User created could have an associated “Chat” connected to it. Since the User could determine who could post or chat within each Group, you could really keep tight control on the size of each individual Group.

And, yet, lulz. The only way this dream is going to ever become a reality is if, like, I win the lottery. So, this is just an idle daydream and it’s likely to remain as such.

America is Both A Constitutional Republic & a Democracy, You MAGA Piece of Shit

by Shelt Garner

If you want a sign of how America is careening towards the existential choice of autocracy, civil war or military junta in late 2024, early 2025, look no further than how Reds are so fucking adamant that the United State is a Constitutional Republic.

This is such a big fucking deal to them because they want to engage in “debate nullification” over the issue of MAGA’s rise being a threat to democracy in the eyes of, like, 60% of the population. They want us all to lulz the rise of a Very American Autocracy because — surprise! — we’re not even a democracy to begin with.

But, as I keep saying — just because the United States is a Constitutional Republic doesn’t mean that it isn’t a democracy, too. In fact, if anything, the history of the United States since its conception has been to grow more and more democratic within the context of, you guessed it…being a Constitutional Republic.

As such, if you get really worked up about the United States not being a democracy, but rather a Constitutional Republic, you’re telling on yourself, you fucking fascist piece of shit. All your talk about America being a Constitutional Republic is just an ham-handed attempt to disguise how much you want a fascist autocracy established in the United States.

As such — fuck you, you MAGA cocksucker.

The Attack on Paul Pelosi Is An Ominous Development

by Shelt Garner

I feel like trolling my Traditionalist relatives about the fact that the Speaker of the House was in danger of being attacked in the middle of the night by a hammer welding MAGA psychopath, but it would be a waste of time and energy. There might be a small window of opportunity for me to score some points before they get their talking points handed down to them from Fox News and Right wing podcasts, but, lulz, what’s the point.

I assume that soon enough, the Right wing talking points will be a mixture of “thoughts and prayers” and “America has a mental health crisis.” And maybe throw in, “America has a crime crisis….that is the fault of Democrats” to boot, as well.

My conservative relatives have made their decision — they want A Very American Autocracy.

And, in the end, they’re going to come to me in private and demand that I, “for the sake of the family” shut the fuck up about how much I think our MAGA Republican autocrat is a cocksucker. I don’t plan to listen to them, however, because I am absolutely determined to prove a point — things wouldn’t have gotten so bad if they had joined forces with me to stop the rise of fascism in America in the first place.

But such concerns are too abstract for them at the moment. All they know is the “woke cancel culture mob” wants everyone to turn gay and if they don’t, then conservatives risk having their life ruined by being “canceled.” THAT, rather than saving American democracy, is at the forefront of their minds at the moment.

So, we’re back to square one. Fox News and Right wing podcasts will push out the talking points about this horrific incident and we’ll go back to fighting about if Catturd is “shadow banned” on Twitter or not. The core issue –that fucking MAGA fascists are ascendant and are probably going to at some point post-2025 order an ICE agent to murder me in cold blood will go unaddressed. For my conservative relatives — whom I love dearly — I’m being hysterical and ridiculous to even propose such a thing.

But in the end, of course, I’ll be dead in a ditch somewhere and they will be alive as Good Germans. How do we fix that problem?

Catturd & The Decline & Fall of Western Civilization

by Shelt Garner

Something about the idea that Right wing cocksuckers are so enamored with a “humorous” Twitter account called Catturd tells you everything you need to know about America as we circle the drain.

All I know about Catturd is he’s really, really good at getting things trending — usually on Sunday mornings — and I have a serious amount of angst about how he might weaponize this knack at some crucial point between now and, say, January 2025.

It’s easy to imagine him spewing some MAGA fascist disinformation at just the right moment, which would serve as the tipping point to the final collapse of American democracy. I know that sounds ridiculous and hysterical, but from my personal study of history, typically the specifics of Big Historical Events are both odd and very prosaic.

So, I could totally imagine Catturd tweeting a MAGA fascist “joke” at just the right moment during the 2024 – 2025 Certification Crisis that is the tipping point in the collapse of 240 odd years of American democracy. That’s how history really works, I’m afraid.

What’s more, Catturd is bitching a moaning to Elon Musk about how he continues to be “shadow banned” and his follower count is falling. Ugh. What an bad faith idiot. But, here we are — the fate of 335 million Americans could be determined by a Twitter account named “Catturd.”

Good luck, guys, you’re going to need it.

My Hot Take On Elon Musk Officially Buying Twitter

by Shelt Garner

At the moment, at least, the key crux of what’s going on with Elon Musk buying Twitter is a vibe shift. MAGA Republican fascists believe they have the wind against their backs now and they will finally no longer be “shadow banned.” They dream of finally getting the high engagement they believe their spicy fascist hot takes deserve from Twitter as a whole.

How embarrassing.

The fact that they’re, well, just boring given how racist and misogynistic they are with their tweets doesn’t seem to cross their minds. But they bitch a moan SO MUCH about being “shadowbanned” that now even Musk himself is getting in on the action.

All things considered, though, the MAGA Republican obsession with being “shadow banned” is just embarrassing. They believe that any slight — perceived or otherwise — is oppression in the extreme. Like any good little fascist they want leniency for themselves and strict control for speech they don’t like.

And, of course, in the end, that’s what’s going to happen if Musk abides by the wishes for the Far Right. I’m going to have to wade through a deluge of fascist speech while they won’t have to see my tweets saying they suck. No good will come of this, of course.

I think what might ultimately happen is someone from the center-Left might come up with a better social media mouse trap and Twitter will be another victim of the United States tearing itself into Blue and Red nations. Not even Twitter will survive as everyone picks a hostile camp to hide behind.

Or maybe not. Maybe, just like the country as a whole, Blues online will bend a knee to the fascists of Twitter and that will be that. For all their talk about leaving Twitter for something else, Twitter liberals may just grit their teeth and suffer the jackboot of Catturd and others.

Should We Be Worried About Post-Election Republican Shenanigans This Fall?

by Shelt Garner

We may look back and see 2018 as America’s last peaceful election. There is growing chatter that Trump is going to pull some sort of stunt after the 2022 midterms in the general Philadelphia area. I’ve been too lazy to actually read the articles that mention this, but the headline is definitely alarming.

Add to this that America definitely has Civil War 2 on the brain and you find yourself coming up with any number of dystopian scenarios where things spiral out of control.

One is, there is some sort of Brooks Brothers Riot and somehow that is how Republicans gain control of the House and or Senate. This would, of course, only make Republicans more power hungry and blood thirsty and they would be hell bent on taking things to the next level in 2024. But there would be, of course, alarm within center-Left ranks if this happened, which would maybe cause a lot of Twitter liberals to at least weigh the idea of a Blue Secession in late 2024, early 2025 when Republicans steal the 2024 election in a rather brazen manner.

The OTHER nightmare scenario is, of course, that Reds don’t get all the power they want and they freak out, probably at the behest of Trump. As such we might face some rolling political violence between November and January — and beyond. I am doubtful of this scenario, however. If there is going to be a civil war, it’s going to happen when Red or Blue states attempt to secede. Anyone who thinks America is primed for Troubles-like violence is oblivious to what’s really going on in American politics. They say such shit because they think the idea of states leaving the Union in the modern era is too fantastical to take seriously.

Anyway, I don’t think it’s fantastical at all. There are some tectonic forces at work in American politics at the moment and if we’re going to have A Second American Civil War — which I don’t think we are — it’s going to happen at the state level just like the first civil war did. What happen is people get really distracted by how vocal and insane Reds are and assume that it will be THEY who start a civil war, when they have no reason to start one. Reds are politically ascendant and if there is a civil war, it will be because Blues — at the state level — refuse to bend a knee to autocratic MAGA fascism.

Buckle up, is all I gotta say. The months between Election Day 2022 and when Congress members are sworn in in 2023 could be bumpy — and violent.

Hot Take: Bring Back The Draft

by Shelt Garner

I continue to grow more and more aggravated by how the “woke” elements of the center-Left do the cause of democracy no favors by wallowing in how many genders can dance on the head of a pin. I see it in my own family, where the Traditionalist relatives are officially all-in with the rise of fascism within the GOP ranks.

They don’t really think in those terms, but that’s what they want — A Very American Autocracy. As long as America’s transition into fascist autocracy is peaceful, my relatives — whom I love dearly — will be quite pleased that, at last, they don’t risk having their lives ruined simply because they’re conservative and, as such, don’t fit the media agenda of the “woke cancel culture mob.” UGH.

I have long thought that if we had National Service between the last year of high school and college that many, many problems would be solved in our very divided American culture. If you forced good old boys from West Virginia to bunk in the same room with woke, fey libtards from New York City or Los Angeles, then they would be forced to confront that on a basic level, they weren’t so different after all.

But there is a grave, existential flaw in this plan — it could only have been successfully implemented when it was first proposed by the Clinton Administration in 1993. Now, if you tried to do it, there would be a battle royale over what the agenda and purpose of this hypothetical National Service would be, with the center-Left seeing it as a way to make a new generation of Woke Shock Troops, while the center-Right would see it as something akin to an updated Hitler Youth.

As such, it seem to me there is a simple solution staring us in the face: bring back the draft. But make it unisex. I don’t know how much you would have to actually use it because just the fear of being drafted would be enough to force a lot of center-Left people to sit up and take notice as to what’s really important in life. Maybe they wouldn’t be so busy trying to destroy the heteronormative world — and, as such, stoking the rise of American fascism — and maybe they would cool it with “trigger warnings” and “microagressions” and any number of other dumb concepts that only divide America even more than it already is.

I continue to be vehemently anti-MAGA, but it’s tough to get my Traditionalist relatives to support democracy when they think that Democrats are little more than the tools of Satan because of all the talking points handed down by Fox News and Right wing podcasts. Maybe, if we had the fear of the Draft to focus the minds of the “woke cancel culture mob” we might be able to save American democracy through something other than a civil war or military junta.

But this spicy hot take is just a daydream. It’s never going to happen. We’re past the event horizon for autocracy, civil war or military junta around late 2024, early 2025. Good luck. You’re going to need it.