by Shelt Garner
As I’ve written before, when it comes to New York Times star reporter Maggie Herman….I just don’t care. I have given up. No matter how close she is to TrumpWorld, no matter how many jaw dropping number of Trump crimes she hides from the public for a book….she can do no wrong in the eyes of the people who make reality — Twitter liberals.

The only reason why I even talk about her now is I’m a bit tipsy and I saw this tweet:
The woman, the myth, the legend. @maggieNYT
— Kaitlan Collins (@kaitlancollins) October 7, 2022
It’s the issue of how Twitter liberals fuck with what is real when it comes to Ms. Haberman that forces me to write about her AGAIN, despite how much I just don’t care. It just seems like to be a Blue Check liberal is, by definition, to gaslight the average person about how unseemly close Ms. Haberman is to Trumplandia.
I’m not saying she isn’t a great journalist — especially compared to me! It’s just…we can all see what she does and why she does it. She inhabits a gray area where, yes, she is a great journalist but she also has apparently sold her soul for access to TrumpWorld — no matter how much ding-dong Trump calls her “maggot.”
But lulz, nothing matters. She’s a success and I — at least for the time being — definitely am not. So, Godspeed, Ms. Haberman.