by Shelt Garner
While in general I don’t really have an opinion one way or another on Scott Galloway, given how vocal he’s been about Elon Musk and Twitter I feel compelled to give my hot take.

For me, the key thing about Galloway is he looks the part. If you were to say, find a picture of a former finance bro who’s the smartest guy in the room who has a successful podcast I’m pretty sure I would pick him out of a lineup blind. And that, I think, is very telling about the nature of success in the real world.
If you look the part of whatever it is you want to do in life, you’re far more likely to be a success regardless of other issues. It’s well known that good looking people generally are successful. So, most of your successful New Yorkers are tall, dark and handsome with the occasional oddball simply because that’s the nature of humanity.
Another thing — if I ever met him, at, say, a cocktail party after I sell my first novel and get to be cool on a national scale because it’s a huge success — we would probably have a very loud debate about issues of the day. In fact, if I was drunk at the time, the argument would be so loud, wide ranging and interesting that I might find a few attractive women staring at me from the open bar before it was all over with.
Anyway. Lulz, nothing matters. He’s a success and I, for the time being at least, am just a drunk loser with a dream.