While I fear that Tik-Tok is destroying modern pop music because record companies are obsessed with basing a hit off a 30 second clip of a song, there are a few glimmers of hope. One notable artist who has knocked it out of the park when it comes to promoting her music on Tik-Tok is “Sad Alex.”
Sad Alex
Instead of structuring entire songs on the premise that they have to have a 30 second clip that might go viral, she produced a solid bop with “Rug Burn.” I went into listening the rest of “Rug Burn” fearing for the worst. But the actual song is really, really good. You can listen to the whole thing and it’s just like any other modern pop song.
But I fear she’s the exception to the rule. Most record labels are run by ham handed idiots who are willing to destroy a song simply so it might go viral from a 30 second portion of it. Oh well.
The current back and forth between Team Trump and the Justice Department in front of Judge Aileen Cannon is a prime example of why Mueller, She Wrote was wrong for blocking me for being “terribly negative.”
The decades’ long plot on the part of Republicans to corrupt the Federal bench is finally beginning to produce fruit. Judge Cannon is a young MAGA hack who will be on the bench for the next 40 odd years, probably. And no amount of whining on the part of Twitter liberals is going to change that. Which is exactly why she was appointed by Trump in the first place.
As such, we’ve probably gotten all the accountability we’re going to get with Trump. He’s suffered some political damage as result of stealing Top Secret documents, but when it comes to anything on a criminal basis…ha! Trump is above the law to the point that this case is going to bounce around the court system long enough that he will declare for 2024…and the whole thing becomes moot.
MAGA Republicans have accepted this criminal act by Trump — like they have all the other criminal shit he’s done — so, yet again, we just won’t have the will to do anything about Trump on either a criminal or political level. It is because of shit like what’s going on with Judge Cannon that any accusations about me being “terribly negative” just don’t hold up.
I’m right and Mueller, She Wrote is wrong, wrong, wrong.
Trump is above the law. And barring something neither I, nor anyone else, can predict, he’s going to be the 2024 Republican nominee. And there’s a good chance he might win outright, no cheating necessary, even though he will anyway because it’s his nature.
Then either Blue States bend a knee to autocratic, fascist MAGA Republicans or we don’t and we have a civil war. Again — I’m not being “terribly negative.” Just looking at what I can see with my own two eyes and gaming out what seeming to be the most logical outcome.
If I had any money, I would start gaming out how to accommodate our coming dystopian hellscape. But I’m a Poor, so, I don’t know what I’m going to do.
It definitely seems as though Tik-Tok’s ability to make or break a pop song is beginning to warp pop music, just like MTV did back in the day. I say this because of the song “Stay With Me” by Halsey and a few others.
If you just hear the Halsey’s hook for the song, you think you’re getting a really good song on her part. But then the actual song is a rather lazy, mediocre dance pop song. It’s so bad that you feel kind of suckered.
Of course, the reason why this happened is the record company knew that the good Halsey part of the song is probably the only thing most Zoomers on Tik-Tok would ever hear of the song in the first place. So they decided to concentrate on only having the hook with Halsey be any good.
This sucks. I hate this. I want entire songs to be good, not just snippets of it them that are meant to be used as background music on Tik-Toks. Oh well.
Sometime ago, I was blocked on Twitter by Twitter liberal darling “Mueller, She Wrote” because I both am “terribly negative” and “mischaracterized her work.” I only keep ranting about this because within my echo chamber I keep seeing people commenting on her Tweets and I can’t see them. So I’m reminded all the time that I’m blocked for such a dumb reason.
Which brings me to the question, is she right? Am I “terribly negative?” Well, I would point out that her Twitter account’s name itself has a serious amount of implied and baseless hope to it. I mean, there was a time when Twitter liberals pinned all their hope on the idea that life-long conservative Republican Robert Mueller would save them from Trump. Well, lulz, that didn’t work out, now did it. I think she’s changed her Podcast to “The Daily Beans” or some such, but the point remains — she and people like her thought Mueller was going to save us and he didn’t.
Am I being “terribly negative” to believe that the time for “hope” that the system is going to somehow save us by working is over and the very idea that Trump will ever be held criminally — or even politically accountable — is complete and total bullshit?
I’m not saying give up hope, I’m saying don’t pull all your eggs in the “I hope it will work out” basket. Time to prepare for the worst. And, what’s even more ironic is I feel pretty safe in saying that when what I fear happens, happen, people like Mueller, She Wrote will be the first to leave the country because they have the means to do so, leaving Poors like me to fend for ourselves.
The system is not working. It is not going to save us. And so I don’t think I mischaracterized her work at all. She keeps working on the assumption that the system still works and, by definition, Trump will eventually get caught and stop being a problem. It’s self-evident that that is simply never, ever going to happen. We’re either going to slide into a MAGA-themed autocracy or we’re going to have a civil war.
There is no middle ground. No longer the era for baseless hope. Time to prepare and figure out how you’re going to survive the new post-democratic America. I’ve seen the woman behind Mueller, She Wrote mute other people for some pretty dumb reasons so I don’t feel all THAT bad. Obviously, she’s easily “triggered” and so I have to just accept my fate of being right, but still blocked.
Though I still dream of one day being a success, invited to a cocktail party where she is and laughing in her face so hard I might get kicked out. I boy can dream, can’t he?
I don’t believe in conspiracies. In general, I believe the biggest conspiracies are actually pretty well known and people just don’t care. And, yet, there is the issue of Tik-Tok potentially reading our minds.
I wouldn’t keep talking about my suspicions if it wasn’t for the fact that Tik-Tok continues to push me very, very specific videos that directly connected to my internal monologue.
The latest instance of this is pretty surreal. I found myself recently thinking randomly about the darker side of rock legend Chuck Berry. Specifically, how he had a gross personal stash of homemade porn of women using the bathroom. I thought about this for a moment or two a few days ago. Then, would you believe just a few moments ago Tik-Tok pushed me a video about that very specific thing.
This keeps happening to the point that I’m struggling to figure out how it is that it could simply be “algorithms.” It. Happens. All. The. Time. And, yet, I have no proof and any time I bring up to anyone else they look at me — rightfully — like I’ve lost my mind. The idea that Tik-Tok, and by extension the Chinese government — has the ability to read the minds of America’s youth is enough to give one pause for thought.
And if Tik-Tok can read our minds, then maybe Big Tech can, in general, read our minds as well. Then the question is — can they aggregate what they read or is it simply a point-to-point technology where they can do it, but not really do anything with the information?
Anyway. Big Tech can’t read our minds. Right? Right?
Let me be clear — any Republican who becomes POTUS in 2025 will be our first autocrat. There are a at least a dozen would-be MAGA Republican autocrats waiting for Trump to just get the fuck out of the way. He’s served his political and historical purpose, so if he would just retire our inevitable decline into autocracy could happen unabated.
The person who is very, very, very popular with my Traditionalist is Ron DeSantis. And, really, he fits the bill of the person who would be America’s first autocrat. He will become president and we’ll all wake up in 20 years and wonder why he’s still POTUS. Trump has shown DeSantis — and other leading Republicans — how weak the center-Left is and how easy it will be to establish an autocracy based on minority rule. They just need the opportunity and the rest will take care of itself.
By definition, DeSantis as POTUS means the end of 240-odd years of American democracy. It probably won’t happen immediately, but it will happen. And as it does, millions of wealthy liberals will leave the country. This scenario, at least in my mind, is a forgone conclusion. The only thing stopping it from happening is it hasn’t happened yet.
And, yet, there is Donald Trump.
Ron DeSantis
Trump simply will not get out of the way. He’s so lazy and stupid that baring something I can’t predict, even if he wins the 2024 election outright he could still start a civil war just by being himself. Trump is a massive quirk in American political history. Anyone else in his position — ANYONE — would have never have lost the 2020 election and he or she would not be slowly strangling American democracy in their second term.
Maybe something will happen that will force Trump to get out of the way. If that happens, then America will be full of Good Germans who are thankful that the “woke cancel culture mob” has finally be vanquished and America will, at last be “great” again. Whatever the fuck that means.
It will only be when the policies of our new autocratic government become personal that any of America’s Good Germans will feel a red line has been crossed. Of course, by that point it will be too late for people like me who will probably be in an ICE camp somewhere. Wish me luck.
I’m a novice student of history and so here some idea about what history can tell us about what a Second American Civil War might be like in the United States should it start in late 2024, early 2025.
Military Junta What we have to understand is we may never get to the National Divorce part of any severe political crisis that happens as a part of Certification Crisis in late 2024, early 2025. It could be that the U.S. Military will step in and run the country. This is one possible reaction to, say, California deciding to leave the Union when it’s clear that MAGA Republicans have stolen the 2024 election. Of course, California might also leave the Union if Trump’s second term is obviously going to be extremely radical and autocratic.
California If we actually do have a National Divorce, then whatever California decides to do will be crucial to the course of the war. California might just decide leave the Union and that’s it. It might just want to be its own independent nation and have no more interest in the United States. With the biggest economy and population of the Union what it decides to do will have a great sway on the course of any war. If, when it becomes clear that a National Divorce is going to happen with Blues serving the papers, it’s possible that California may leave the Union in conjunction with a number of other Blue states. That would give Blues a fighting chance of winning the war — if their war aims are just to be their own nation.
Radicalization One issue that might force the hand of Blue America could be the plight of African Americans in the Deep South. It’s the Deep South where fucking Nazi MAGA people might flip out and start to commit atrocities against African Americans. That would cause a number of different things to happen. One would be something akin to a race war. Also, a huge flow of African Americans out of Trumplandia who would be fleeing persecution. Such events might force the hand of Blue America, causing something akin to mission creep. Blue America’s war aims might shift from simply starting their own nation to actually defeating Trumplandia altogether.
Domestic Political Refugees It will become clear that we’re going to have a National Divorce when Blues in Red states and Reds in Blue states being to flee en mass because they’re afraid for their personal safety. That will be one of the last things to indicate that things are about to get really, really bad.
Liberal Brain Drain Another thing that will happen is wealthy liberals, no matter what happens — autocracy or civil war — will flee the country in the millions. This will probably change world culture in a massive way as American liberal ideals began to be pumped into the cultures of nations around the world. If enough wealthy liberals flee the country, this could cause some unexpected places around the world to see a significant change in their culture, politics and economy. I mean, if a few hundred thousand extra American flee to, say, the Philippines because they speak English and there’s a low cost of living, well, that’s going to change a lot there. And it could be that even places like Argentina might befit from an huge influx of wealthy, well educated Americans.
We were so naïve in the early days of Trumplandia. We thought Trump would be impeached as part of the traditional post-Watergate Washington scandal narrative but, surprise, no.
Trump has warped the American political and judicial systems to the point that he’s above the law and is probably going to be president again in 2025, baring something I can’t predict. As such, we have to stop thinking something or someone is going to save us.
As an aside, I don’t ask for much, but I would just like to be successful enough one day to laugh in the face of the person behind the “Mueller, She Wrote” Twitter account. They say “judge a man by his enemies” and I’ll take that offer when it comes to her. She’s extremely touchy for no reason — easily “trigger,” if you will – and she’s just wrong about the implications of what’s going on with Trump. A lot. Even though she calls me “terribly negative” and someone who mischaracterizes her work, I think she’s all wet.
She really does act like somehow Trump will be held accountable for anything he ever does — however horrible or illegal — and that that is going to “save us.” I hate to break it to her, but I’m not being “terribly negative” I’m just being realistic.
America is careening towards the existential choice of autocracy or civil war in late 2024, early 2025 and no amount of praying to our Mueller candle is going to change that.
Anyway, the point is — we have to begin to prepare for the worst. Twitter liberals like Mueller, She Wrote will just flee the country because they can.. Meanwhile, Poors like me will have to figure out how to avoid being pushed out of a window by an ICE agent after I say the MAGA autocrat — whomever that may turn out to be — is a piece of shit.
Or there’s a civil war and I become one of millions of domestic political refugees.
We have to start to accept that something really bad is hurtling towards America as we speak. The only way we might punt this particular problem down the road again is if a Democrat won in 2024. I just don’t see that being allowed for a variety of reasons. When Republicans believe that, by definition, any election they lose is illegitimate, well, lulz, America’s got a serious problem.
I’m not writing for VOX, so all I got as to what to do about this impending clusterfuck is to figure out what you believe in and what you’re willing to suffer for in the real world. Should the worst happen, there won’t be any narrative and whatever decision you make to keep yourself safe on a personal basis might be wrong, then right, then wrong then right again before it’s all over with.
But the key issue is to stop dicking around with the concept of the Resistance. It’s so weak as to be non existent. There is a chance that before all this is over with that anyone who is anti-MAGA will be forced to call themselves Antifa, just like during the civil war everyone in the north became an abolitionist whether they liked it or not.
The current troublesome situation with supermodel Cara Delevingne is a prime example of why a lot of people don’t trust the media. She’s obviously going through some sort of mental crisis and, yet, there she was on one of the major American morning shows lulzing it all.
It was obviously an effort on the part of her “people” to mitigate the PR crisis she was currently in. Then, of course, a little while later, she is seen whacked out and acting crazy at an airport.
There is something seriously wrong with Delevingne and yet the media are struggling to make the masses indifferent to whatever it is she’s going through. The media do this all time to varying degrees and it really bothers me because I have a real thing about what is “real.” When people start fudging what is real as part of some part of an agenda — be they MAGA or the celebrity press — it really gets on my nerves.
And, yet, I suppose this is just the world we live in. People have been attempting to fuck with reality since dirt. Why change now?
The key issue when assessing the likelihood of Putin using tactical nukes on Ukraine as the Russian front line collapses is, of course — is he a rational actor? Is he nuts?
The reason is, if you do a strict cost-benefit analysis of doing something so crazy, it just doesn’t make any sense. While, yes, on paper, nuking a few Ukrainian cities would help Russia stop an epic loss of face, the reaction to doing such a thing would be so incredible as to moot the whole point of using nukes in the first place.
The Ukrainians, once they overcame the shock of it all, would be enraged and out for blood. And it’s not like the Russians could take advantage of having used nukes. They would have to do a massive general mobilization to follow up on the use of tactical nukes.
All of this would happen in the context of everyone being very, very mad at Putin for doing such a thing. The risk of civil war or revolution in Russia would increase dramatically.
But I seriously doubt we have to worry about any such thing. Even thought Putin was bonkers to invade Ukraine in the first place, I believe he’s still enough of a rational actor that it’s very unlikely that he would nuke Ukraine.
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