Things Should Now Move Really Fast With This New Draft Of The First Novel

by Shelt Garner

Two things are working towards speeding up the process of writing this either really good first draft or modestly good second draft — I have a really stable outline that’s finished and fleshed out and I have something of a deadline now.

Back when I was young, cute and people cared.

I have given my working outline to a manuscript consultant, but she won’t be reading it until mid-August. So, I have a lot of incitive to wrap up this draft of the novel as quickly as possible.

If I could finish this draft in about a month so I could have it finished when I find out the manuscript consultant’s opinion of the outline, that would help sooooo much when it came to figuring out what happens next. My fear is, of course, that through the process of working my way through this outline that either the whole thing collapses again or it changes so much that it won’t be anywhere like what she looked at.

But I hope to sprint as fast as I can over the next month. I like having a deadline and writing a whole novel in a month isn’t impossible. Philip K. Dick did it all the time, but he was on crank. And I’m still very delusional about this whole process so it would make a lot of sense for me to focus on seeing if I can finish the novel that fast.

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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